Linguistics publications

Erwin R. Komen

Last update: June 5, 2024

1.             Published linguistics papers

Komen, Erwin R. 2007. Chechen vowel inventory. In Pepijn Hendriks, Frank Landsbergen, Mika Poss & Jenneke van der Wal (eds.), Leiden (Working) Papers in Linguistics 4.1 (2007), (1-28). pdf.

Komen, Erwin R. 2008. Branching constraints. In: H. Broekhuis & R. Vogel (eds) Linguistics in Potsdam 28. 157-186. Netherlands. pdf.

Komen, Erwin R. 2010. Overriding negative concord. Linguistics in Amsterdam, 3(2), 1-20. Online. Own pdf.

Komen, Erwin R. 2011. “New changes in English - A diachronic perspective on the relation between newness and syntax”. Linguistics in the Netherlands 2011 [AVT28], ed. by Rick Nouwen and Marion B. Elenbaas, 76-87. Amsterdam, John Benjamins.

Komen, Erwin R. 2012. “Coreferenced corpora for information structure research”. Outposts of Historical Corpus Linguistics: From the Helsinki Corpus to a Proliferation of Resources. (Studies in Variation, Contacts and Change in English 10). ed. by Jukka Tyrkkö, Matti Kilpiö, Terttu Nevalainen and Matti Rissanen. Helsinki, Finland: Research Unit for Variation, Contacts, and Change in English, Online.

Los, Bettelou & Komen, Erwin R. 2012. Clefts as resolution strategies after the loss of a multifunctional first position. In The Oxford handbook of the History of English. Terttu Nevalainen & Elizabeth Closs Traugott (eds), 884-898. New York: Oxford University Press.

Komen, Erwin R. 2013. Corpus databases with feature pre-calculation. In Proceedings of the twelfth workshop on treebanks and linguistic theories (TLT12). Sandra Kübler, Petya Osenova & Martin Volk (eds), 85-96. Sofia, Bulgaria: The institute of information and communication technologies, Bulgarian academy of sciences. pdf.

Komen, Erwin R. 2013. Predicting referential states using enriched texts. In Proceedings of the third workshop on annotation of corpora for research in the humanities (ACRH-3). Francesco Mambrini, Marco Passarotti & Caroline Sporleder (eds), 49-60. Sofia, Bulgaria: The institute of information and communication technologies, Bulgarian academy of sciences. pdf.

Komen, Erwin R. 2014. Chechen extraposition as an information ordering strategy. In Information structure and reference tracking in complex sentences. Rik van Gijn, Dejan Matić, Jeremy Hammond, Saskia van Putten & Ana Vilacy Galucio (eds), 99-126. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. pdf.

Komen, Erwin R., Hebing, Rosanne G. A., van Kemenade, Ans & Los, Bettelou. 2014. Quantifying information structure changes in English. In Information Structure and Syntactic Change in Germanic and Romance Languages. Kristine Gunn Eide & Kristin Bech (eds), 81-110. Amsterdam, New York: John Benjamins. pdf.

Komen, Erwin R. 2015. The Chechen it-cleft construction. Languages of the Caucasus 1(1). 76–105. pdf.

Komen, Erwin R. 2017. Trying to be a good Chechen. Eurasia Anthropology Newsletter 7(2). 1–4. pdf.

Komen, Erwin R. 2017. Beyond counting syntactic hits. In CLARIN in the Low Countries. Jan Odijk, Arjen van Hessen (eds), 259-268. Netherlands: Ubiquity press. pdf.

Komen, Erwin R., Robert D. Bugenhagen. 2019. Interference from mediating languages in translation: the case of the Lord’s Prayer in Chechen and Ingush. Родной язык 2:50-75.

Komen, Erwin R., Zarina Molochieva, Johanna Nichols. 2020. Chechen and Ingush. In The Oxford Handbook of Languages of the Caucasus. Maria Polinsky (ed), 317–65. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020. Online.

Los, Bettelou, Gea A. Dreschler, Ans van Kemenade, Erwin R. Komen, Stefano Coretta. 2023 The decline of local anchoring: a quantitative investigation. English Language and Linguistics 27(2):345-372. online

Komen, Erwin R., Roman Kim. 2023. Consultant-checking oral Bible stories: a case study. The Bible Translator 74(1):21-41, 2023.

Komen, Erwin R. 2024. Proximal demonstrative pronouns as VIP markers in Chechen. In Discourse functions of demonstratives. Steve Nicolle (ed). 71-90. SIL-International. online


2.             Dissertations and books

Komen Erwin R. 1990. Low-Level Image Processing Architectures, PhD-Thesis, Delft University.

Komen, Erwin R. 2007. Focus in Chechen. MA-thesis. Leiden university. Netherlands. pdf.

Komen, Erwin R. 2013. Finding focus: a study of the historical development of focus in English. Utrecht: LOT. pdf.

Arsanukaev, Musa. 2022. Achter de wolken: Tsjetsjeense geschiedenis en cultuur door de ogen van kinderen. Vertaald door Erwin R. Komen. Independently published.

Arsanukaev, Musa. 2022. Clouds from the Past: Chechen History and Culture through the Eyes of Children. Translated by Erwin R. Komen. Independently published.

Komen, Erwin R. Elpash: learning Chechen letter by letter. Independently published, 2023.

3.             Software

Komen, Erwin R. 2009. IRAT: an inter rater agreement tool. Nijmegen: Radboud University.

Komen, Erwin R. 2011. CorpusStudio. Nijmegen: Radboud University. Online.

Komen, Erwin R. 2011. Cesax. Nijmegen: Radboud University. Online.

4.             Accepted publications that are forthcoming



5.             Conference presentations on linguistics

Komen, Erwin R. 1995. Interaction between phonology, orthography and literacy in the Chechen vowel system. Paper presented at the Societas Caucasologica in Leiden. Netherlands.

Komen, Erwin R. 2007. The Chechen relative clause. Paper presented at the Conference on the languages of the Caucasus. Max-Planck Institute. Leipzig. Germany. pdf.

Komen, Erwin R. 2010. Enriching syntactically annotated corpora for information structure research. In Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands 20. Utrecht.

Komen, Erwin R. 2011. Chechen extraposed relative clauses and contrastive focus. Paper presented at the conference “Information structure and subordination: South America and beyond”, held April 27-28, 2011. Nijmegen. Netherlands. Online.

Komen, Erwin R. 2011. Chechen intonation. Paper presented at the conference on Caucasian languages, held May 13-15, 2011 in Leipzig, Germany. pdf.

Komen, Erwin R. 2011. Coreferenced corpora for information structure research. Paper presented at the Helsinki Corpus Festival. Helsinki, Finland. pdf.

Komen, Erwin R. 2015. Surfacing Dutch syntactic parses. Amsterdam. abstract. slides.

Komen, Erwin R, Jet Hoek. 2018. Automatic coherence analysis for the computationally challenged. Paper presented at the CLIN28 conference, held January 26, 2018. Nijmegen. Netherlands. abstract.

6.             Workshop presentations

Komen, Erwin R. 2009. CESAC: Coreference Editor for Syntactically Annotated Corpora. In 7th York-Newcastle-Holland Symposium on the History of English Syntax (SHES7), 8. Nijmegen, CLS/Department ENglish Language and Culture: Radboud University.

Komen, Erwin R. 2009. Diachronical English Syntax and Information Structure. In Annotating and analysing IS in historical corpus texts. Berlin.

Komen, Erwin R. 2009-2010. Clefts as a repair strategy. In Language in Time and Space Talks. Nijmegen. In: Taalkunde in Nederland Dag. Utrecht. In: CLS colloquium. Nijmegen. In: Workshop on information structure in Germanic syntax: change and variation. Groningen.

Komen, Erwin R. 2010. Finding new information in the development of English. Paper presented at the “Taalkunde in Nederland Dag”, February 5th. Utrecht. Netherlands.

Komen, Erwin R. 2010. Finding new things in English. Language in Time and Space colloquium. Nijmegen.

Komen, Erwin R. 2011. Semi-automatic coreference enrichment for information structure research. Paper presented at the workshop “Information structure and corpus annotation: theoretical and practical perspectives”, January 7-9, Oslo. Norway. (pdf)

Komen, Erwin R. 2012. Phonemic transliteration for reducing parsing ambiguity in Chechen. Paper presented at the conference “Computational Linguistics In the Netherlands (CLIN22)”, January 20, Tilburg.

Komen, Erwin R., and Rosanne G. A. Hebing. 2012. Using coreferential chains to quantify the changing function of the subject in English. Paper presented at the DGfS workshop “Historical perspectives on anaphora resolution workshop”. Frankfurt, Germany.

Los, Bettelou L. J., and Erwin R. Komen. 2012. Information state categories based on the Pentaset. Paper presented at “Categories of information structure cross-linguistically” (CISCL 2012). November 10, Nijmegen.

Komen, Erwin R. 2013. Presentational focus changes in English. Paper presented at the symposium on historical english syntax (SHES11). June 16, Nijmegen.

van Kemenade, Ans, and Erwin R. Komen. 2014. Subject position variation in PP-initial clauses. Paper presented at the symposium on historical English syntax (SHES12). May17, Manchester, England.

7.             Conference and workshop submissions

Komen, Erwin R. 2008. Discourse usage of demonstratives in Chechen. Paper for the International Scientific Conference on the occasion of the 90th birthday of Junis Desherievich Desheriev. Grozny. Russia. pdf.

Komen, Erwin R. 2008. Locative position in Chechen. Submitted for the conference on Caucasian languages. Maykop. Russia. pdf.

Humnick, Linda and Erwin R. Komen. (2008). A Functional Comparison of Demonstratives in Chechen and Kumyk Discourse. Submitted for the conference titled “Кавказские языки: генетические, типологические и ареальные связи”. October 14th. Makhachkala, Russian Federation.

Komen, Erwin R. 2013. Chechen it-clefts. Submitted for the conference “Актуальные проблемы общей и адыгской филологии” (Current trends in Adygean philology and linguistics). Maikop, Russian Federation.

Komen, Erwin R. and Robert D. Bugenhagen. 2017. Post-verbal pronominal subjects in Chechen and Ingush. Paper presented at the 50th annual meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea. Züricht, Switzerland. ppt.

8.             Poster presentation:

Komen, Erwin R. 2010. Enriching syntactically annotated corpora for information structure research. Poster presented at the Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands (CLIN20). Utrecht.

Komen, Erwin R. 2010. Semi-automatic coreference resolution. Poster presented at the SIL Global Linguistics Forum. Vajta, Hungary.

Komen, Erwin R. 2011. Corpus research with “CorpusStudio”. Poster presented at the Helsinki Corpus Festival. Helsinki, Finland.

9.             Published manuscripts

Komen, Erwin R. 2007. Chechen stress and vowel deletion. Manuscript. ROA: pdf.

10.         Reviews

Komen, Erwin R. 2011. “Review of Kenneth Safir, The syntax of anaphora (2004)”. SIL Electronic Book Reviews 2011-002. Online.

Komen, Erwin R. 2015. The English It-Cleft: A Constructional Account and a Diachronic Investigation. English Studies:1-2. Online.


11.         Newspaper articles

Komen, Erwin R. (02-02-2010). Niderlandiehw vajn mettan bien tallamash: noxchiin mattahw jolu shaatajpa grammaticheski kiep - daacaran bartbar. Dajmuoxk, pp. 4-4.

12.         Papers in preparation

Komen, Erwin R. In Preparation. Introduction into Chechen relative clauses. Manuscript.

Gussenhoven, Carlos and Erwin R. Komen. In Preparation. Chechen intonation. Manuscript.

13.         Unpublished manuscripts

Komen, Erwin R. 1993. Chechen Phonology Interim Report. Manuscript.

Komen, Erwin R. 1993. Chechen Grammar Interim Report. Manuscript.

Komen, Erwin R. 1997. Comparison of discourse marker usage in Caucasian languages – initial report. Report for the university of Kabardino-Balkaria. Nalchik.

Komen, Erwin R. 1998. The usage of discourse features in two Caucasian languages interim report #2. Report for the university of Kabardino-Balkaria. Nalchik.

Komen, Erwin R. 2004. Comparison of Chechen orthographies. Manuscript.

Komen, Erwin R. 2006. Root vowel changes in Chechen. Manuscript. pdf.

Komen, Erwin R. 2007. A proposal for a Chechen orthography. Ms. Nijmegen, Netherlands. pdf.

Komen, Erwin R. 2008. Notes on agreement in Chechen. Ms. Nijmegen, Netherlands. pdf.

Komen, Erwin R. 2008. Notes on case, causation and mood in Chechen. Ms. Nijmegen, Netherlands. pdf.

Komen, Erwin R. 2008. An introduction into Chechen relative clauses. Ms. Nijmegen, Netherlands. pdf.

Komen, Erwin R. 2009. Chechen declarative and interrogative intonation. Manuscript. Termpaper for the 2008 course on the Phonology of Tone and Intonation. Radboud University. Nijmegen. Netherlands.

Komen, Erwin R. 2009. Demonstrative pronouns in the development of English. Manuscript. Termpaper for the 2008 course on the historical development of English. Radboud University. Nijmegen. Netherlands.

Komen, Erwin R. 2009. CESAC: Coreference Editor for Syntactically Annotated Corpora, 1-7. Report. Nijmegen: Radboud University.

Komen, Erwin R. 2009. Inter rater agreement with CESAC. Ms. Radboud University Nijmegen. pdf.

Komen, Erwin R. 2009. Coreference annotation guidelines. Report. Nijmegen: Radboud University. pdf.

Komen, Erwin R. 2009. A fast general purpose procedure to calculate interrater agreement for coreference annotation, 1-8. Report. Nijmegen: Radboud University. pdf.

Komen, Erwin R. 2009. CorpusStudio manual. Radboud University Nijmegen. Netherlands. pdf.

Komen, Erwin R. 2010. Complex subjects diachronically. Ms. Radboud University Nijmegen. pdf.

Komen, Erwin R. 2011. CESAX: Coreference Editor for Syntactically Annotated XML corpora. Reference manual. Radboud University. Nijmegen. pdf.

Komen, Erwin R. 2011. Average referential distance. Ms. Radboud University Nijmegen. pdf.

Komen, Erwin R. 2016. An API for the CorpusStudio web application. Ms. Radboud University Nijmegen. pdf.